Monday, August 10, 2009

Knitting and Radiohead

Confession time. I'm a bit of a YouTube addict. I like (love) to watch all the live videos of my favorite bands. I mean really. When am I ever going to see Radiohead live?!

As for the knitting, I'm making progress. It's getting harder as the rows get longer. There's four new stitches every other row. I sneak in a row here and there. I know it's time to stop when The Big Guy asks, "What you knittin' Mama?"


Blogger Unknown said...

Hee hee! You lucky girl! At least he asks politely first. Just wait till the Lil Lass gets big enough! God forbid, she'll be as blunt as Nona--when she sees me knitting she climbs her way under my needles and says, "I wanna help you, Momma."

Needless to say, i haven't knitted much lately. :o)

8/11/2009 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger J said...

He's tried to grab my knitting a couple of times but has learned his lesson. Actually he's more interested in the ball of yarn. He can't understand why there's a ball he can't play with.

Someday I hope to teach them both to knit. But that's still a ways off.

8/11/2009 03:28:00 PM  

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