Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our first half

This summer we are splitting a farm box with some friends. Yesterday we got our first half. I'm a little nervous about this farm box thing. I've never cooked bok choy or rhubarb before and I had never even heard of kohlrabi until yesterday. It's going to be an interesting summer.

I made my first crisp with the rhubarb. I had to try it so this is what I had for lunch today.


Blogger Unknown said...

awesome!! you are going to learn so many new recipes.

just ask your CSA for recipes (ours handed them out with every box--especially when the beets and beans started rolling in and everyone was saying "enough, already!".) :o)

if they can't help, googling CSAs will provide you with some ideas.

and kohlrabi--best when raw, maybe with a little dip or in a salad.

have fun!!

6/18/2009 03:58:00 PM  

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