Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Still no knitting

Instead this weekend, I painted.



This coming weekend we’ll be painting the trim.

I want to knit but my right hand aches and I can’t make a fist.

Still no knitting

Instead this weekend, I painted.



This coming weekend we’ll be painting the trim.

I want to knit but my right hand aches and I can’t make a fist.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Not much knitting

I haven't had much time for knitting lately. We've been working like mad on the house to get it ready for the wedding. We're supposed to be painting it this weekend.

We did watch a couple of movies this week. I was able to start the second sock. Which second sock you ask? This second sock...

I haven't been able to work much on the knitting I can't show you but I am getting close to finishing.

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